Branding: in part is about the whole value of my actions, good, bad, and indifferent.

Most of my life I have not known the value of my actions or I would have changed up and did something about them…

It is just now at 40 years old that I have been peeping game on this front:  It has been proving to yield some fruit. As of now, I access a principle of  a type of hard work and a good hustle on most days… I fall apart, less, and less as I get honest with where I am,  and where I want to go!

I find out that what I project, I Expect and protect to the death!  Its identity becomes precious to me no matter the cost! I do embrace it as my “Security Blanket self!”

Sucking on “The Bah Bah,” so to speak, when it comes to making Big Boy type decisions, is the number one offender in stepping in my way on the course to freedom into greater realms.

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